速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Woodworking 101 - Woodwork Lessons

Woodworking 101 - Woodwork Lessons





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Woodworking 101 - Woodwork Lessons(圖1)-速報App

Learn woodworking and start doing woodworking projects, carpentry, and plans.

Ever wanted to begin woodworking at home or even do woodworking projects for a business? Carpentry and woodwork can be fun but can dangerous in experience if it’s not performed well.

With Woodworking 101, we will teach you a proper use of woodwork tools, learn the basics and how to design your perfect woodworking projects, can even start your own woodwork shop, Basics and everything you should know before starting your woodwork jobs

Woodworking 101 - Woodwork Lessons(圖2)-速報App

With this woodwork app, you will learn how to proper safety procedures, use hardwoods and softwoods, learn various styles of saws, how to measure properly, choosing the perfect and right hand tools for your woodwork projects, how to sharpening, creating woodworking drawings for projects and plans and finishes and fillers. A must have woodwork app for every beginner carpenter.

Additional offers you can get within this woodwork app:

- Get free Access to 50 Free woodworking plans, which you can start pulling woodwork and carpentry ideas.

Woodworking 101 - Woodwork Lessons(圖3)-速報App

- Access 16,000 woodworking plans, start your woodwork shop business with.

- Cheap woodworking secrets, learn how you can get woodworking tools for cheap prices.

Woodworking 101 - Woodwork Lessons(圖4)-速報App